Let me tell you a story, a story about so many, a story about you, a story about me, a story about nobody particular. It could be a story about a family member, a friend or nobody you know. It's a story about two boys or it could be about two girls. For the sake of clarity we will reference our story to two boys named Pete and RePete.
Pete and RePete's Moms were very close....sisters, cousins, or friends. Pete and RePete were born in the same hospital just a few months apart. From the beginning these boys were close, separate for nothing and enjoying each other's company always. If one did it so did the other. They played together, fought together, took naps together, and even got in trouble together. They went on family trips together and went to the same daycare. When school started they even went to class together.
Of course they were always into some sort of mischief. They chased the girls at recess, threw paper wads in class, and snuck peaks at the forbidden magazines at the general store after school. They were what many might call, 'double trouble'.
As they grew older though the mischief grew to delinquency. Their choices went from bad to worse. They skipped school, snuck out late at night, and even shoplifted. They went to the parties, drank the liquor, and even smoked weed from time to time. They were good ole boys sewing wild oats, enjoying youth, living careless.
As time went on though things began to change. Pete began to get into more and more trouble every day. RePete on the other hand began to reconsider the direction he was going. He began to make wise choices that put him on a path to improvement. He went to church and even found religion. Pete was forging a life of destruction while RePete forged a life with positive destination.
Well, their choices pulled them apart, as often happens. While Pete continued down the path of ill repute, RePete began to study and even attended church. They remained friends for a while but eventually lost touch. Pete continued life living for the moment. RePete lived each day preparing for the days ahead.
Over time things did change.....at least for RePete they did. He graduated from high school and went on to college. He got a good job, married, and had kids. His life was a good life.
He didn't see Pete anymore, though he thought about him often. He wondered what had come of him, if he was married, what he was doing for a living, how much he had changed? He often thought he would love to see his old friend again.
Well, they did finally meet up again, after many years and life experiences had passed. It was a sad meeting for RePete. Not much had changed for the good for Pete, but much had changed for the worse. He had continued down the path they once travelled together, reeking havoc everywhere he went, never considering the consequences of his choices.. He determined no matter the detriment, he would continue his chosen path.
With those choices taking their toll, Pete was no longer the happy go lucky guy he once was. He seemed sad, distressed with life, and even resentful. He claimed life had not dealt him the same hand as RePete. His hand was one of loneliness, struggling, and hopelessness, while RePete's was of family, success, and optimism. Pete claimed life just was not fair. He never considered it's not always about the cards you are dealt, but instead how you choose to play them that determines your life's effect and result..
Well, they parted their ways once again, RePete going back to his career and family and Pete returning to his life of self fulfilling ways and total dismay. RePete lived to a ripe old age, enjoying life to its fullest each and every day. Yes he had rough times as well as he did the good. He always tried to make good choices though that often resulted in the bad leading to good. Pete on the other hand lived life much the same throughout his life, choosing to blame God and the world for the pain he reaped from his own chosen ways of selfishness and instant gratification.
The boys eventually passed from this life into the next. RePete took his last breath in his home wrapped in the arms of his wife and in the presence of his children. Pete died alone in a homeless shelter where no one was watching and nobody cared. The story doesn't end there though. Each left a legacy as well. Among RePete's lineage were doctors, lawyers, and missionaries. Pete's consisted of druggies, convicts, and hobos.
I know this story may seem strange and not so totally true. I assure you though it is not so unique at all and it's truths apply to many, including you. Each of us are found in this story, at least to a degree. The choices we make today effect the lives we live and the impact we make tomorrow. So be careful with your decisions, counting the costs and considering the impact. Choose to be a blessing and not a burden. If so, you wilt depart from this world fulfilled in the end.