Monday, October 14, 2013

For what it's worth...

You ever notice that the phrase "for what it's worth" is usually followed by another phrase or statement that isn't really worth much?  In reality the worth of a statement is pretty much dependent on the perception of the one reading or observing it. If it interests you it's worth something. If it doesn't interest you it isn't worth much.   

I figure this blog will be no different.  What I have to say may not be worth much to many, but I do hope what I have to say is worth something to at least a few.  If nothing else it's worth something to me though.  It's an opportunity to share what's on my mind and maybe be an encouragement to a friend or two.

I hear that for a blog to be effective, it is supposed to have a specific focus.  I fear this blog might not meet that criteria.  I am a happily married man of 28 years.  I have six children ranging in ages from seven to twenty-eight.  Five of my children are adopted, coming from four states and two continents.  Two of those children are special needs, one autistic and the other double above the knee amputee.  I am a minister of over thirty years, having pastored for twenty and directed a Compassion Ministry for the last ten.  I currently counsel youth and families in order to support my family and my many habits.  I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease approximately three years ago.

As you see, I have a varied repertoire from which to pull.  That's what I plan to do.  I will share what's on my heart at the moment  I am sure much of what I have to say will be about my family, but I figure I will share some from my ministry and counseling practice as well.  No doubt my dialogues will at times include my struggles and experiences with Parkinson's.

I hope as much as anything, I can be an encouragement to a few.  I will try to be witty at times but serious at others..  I promise you my kids will keep you in stitches.  My opinions are many and varied.  I welcome your comments, whether they be negative or positive.

Thank you for taking time out to read this somewhat introductory blog.  I hope over the next few weeks, months, or even years we will get to know each other better. Until then though, 

the family man

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